Short Stories

Thursday, August 1, 2019


At some points in our lives, we have been insulted, abused and spoken to disrespectfully which has sometimes caused us to be depressed, feel really bad, made our self-esteem deteriorate as well as live a life of mediocrity.
Insults do more harm than good to the human mind. If allowed to remain in our minds, they become stumbling blocks to living a happy and healthy life as well as maximizing our potentials. If dwelt upon, stops us from becoming who and what we are meant to be.
Considering these negative impacts insults have, anyone would have thought it to be something that is to be forgotten or overlooked, neglected and frowned upon. It is not a nice thing, no doubt; but looking at it from a different perspective is one of the keys to discovering who you really are. It is essential for bringing out and awakening the giant within you (funny right?). Now here is how it works; if you are insulted or told to be something terrible, the fact is you are the exact opposite of it.
Never you let insults crush you but crush it instead by considering and accepting the fact that you are the exact opposite of that. Wayne Dyer said, “If you change the way you look at something, the things you look at would change”. If you want to know who you are, if you want to discover your potentials, look deeper into the insults you receive from people, they define you in the opposite direction.
Now you don’t just know this, you work towards it, portray and bring it to fruition. The first thing you need to do is KNOW and be CONVINCED that you are the exact opposite of what people say you are and the next thing is WORK.
Work makes the invisible visible. It transforms thoughts into reality so the next time someone insults you, just thank the person because the person has just helped in revealing one of your hidden potentials. Great people in this world were insulted by teachers, friends, societies, and loved ones but today they are the exact opposite. Dr Myles Munroe was insulted by a teacher to be “retarded” and that ‘black people cannot learn sophisticated things' but he saw this as a revelation of who he was, worked it out and he ended up graduating with degrees, received 5 honorary PHDs from 5 different Universities and in death and in life, he is known for his depth of wisdom, knowledge and understanding of basically everything. Oprah Winfrey was said to be unfit for TV and she ended up becoming the host of the most successful Talk Show in the world.
Thomas Edison was told by his teacher he was “too stupid to learn anything” and on his 1001st attempt, he made the light bulb which is one of the greatest inventions ever.
The list goes on and on but it’s never about what people say to you, it’s about what you do with what people say to you. Would you let them break you or make you? The choice is yours and I sure hope you make the right one.

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