Short Stories

Thursday, June 6, 2019


As we walked in, Hysce barely even saw us(not that we noticed too though), we had our eyes on the booth but the lights had been turned on, all we saw was a figure standing in there but the voice was getting clearer now. I surely knew who was in the booth! I could bet all my life’s earnings. Our anxiety had grown to the highest level now, there was no way we could wait a minute longer. Hysce, still unaware of our presence, was giving a ‘thumbs up’ to the man in the booth, commending his professionalism, I moved closer to where Hysce was sitting, he winked at us, “We would have gone with all your studio equipment if we had been robbers”, I thought to myself. We took our positions beside him, flanking him as if we were some celebrity bouncers. In 3 minutes, our man in the booth had finished recording then stepping out, we saw the man himself! I couldn’t believe my eyes.
I stood beside Hysce for almost 20 seconds with my lips parted and eyes fixed on him. I was seeing VECTOR for the first time in my life. Vector had been my role model from way back; he was one of the few rappers who inspired me to do rap music. I had listened to his albums - State of Surprise, Second Coming and most recently, Lafiaji. Vec was coming out of the booth like a giant; you could take x 3 of MI’s height from his and still have a remainder. “How was that?” he asked us (well maybe not us, maybe Hysce) but my mouth was faster than my mind and head combined now, I had no idea when I said “Man!!! That was fire” though I had barely listened to him record all his verses, I was wowed by the little I got to hear, “Thanks man”, he replied. “I didn’t see you guys when I came in” He continued, “Oh…yeah, we came in a couple of minutes ago. Seriously man, I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am to finally get to meet you. Lafiaji is still fresh on my playlist” I excitedly replied. He grinned to my reply and extended his hand in kind gesture, I took it with all pleasure, holding it a little longer than usual, when I finally let go, he took his seat in front of Hysce to listen to what he had recorded. Meanwhile, I was still holding my position beside Hysce; I had even forgotten Shina was at the other side, in fact, I barely remembered anything. The next 30 minutes was fun as we got to enjoy his lyrical prowess, this was Vector! When Hysce was done with his song (subject to mixing and mastering), he faced me, “Keejas, so what are you recording?” “I just came for a freestyle” I lied (Vec was a freestyle genius himself so I wanted to use my session to impress him). Shina looked stunned or perhaps disappointed. We had come to record an important song (not so important to me ‘cause he wanted to dedicate the song to his girlfriend on her birthday), he gave me one angry look but I didn't care, all I cared about was impressing Vec. Vec was looking, perhaps he wanted to see how I would fare, and he changed his position so that he would be facing the booth by the time I was recording. I got in the booth and Hysce gave me the instrumental of one of Vec’s greatest hits, King Kong. I had previously written some lines which I never got to record, as the beats boomed in my ears up into my head, I felt inspired and ready to roll. After few minutes of recording, I dropped the headset on the mic stand and left the booth. To my greatest surprise, Vec was up from his seat clapping for me. Wait…I just got a standing ovation from Vector the Viper. Perhaps he was surprised I could flow to his beat like that, whatever, I had caught his attention and that was the most important thing. Shina and Hysce applauded me too. “That was great KEEJAS, you sounded more like me in barracks days”, he commented. I was blushing like a fool then; I was getting a compliment from the man I grew up listening to, and he said I sounded a lot like him in his younger years. “Would you like to come to the house sometimes? Hysce always comes so anytime you feel like to drop more bars, you can come with Hysce to the house”. Vector was inviting me to his house, I was tapping myself now because if it was a dream, I needed to know, I needed to wake up but man, it wasn’t a dream, I was getting an invite to Vector’s place! The night had fallen, Vec was about to leave, we were eventually going to leave too but not while he was still there. We walked with him to where his car was parked, before he left, he handed me his complimentary card and a sum of money I didn’t even bother to check. As we walked down the street, Hysce gave me a tap on the head, “Lucky boy”, he said. Shina had appeared beside me then trying to know how much Vec gave to me. It was a handful so I wasn’t surprised when we counted and it was 50k, I offered Hysce 20k but he rejected it, he claimed Vec had already given him thrice of what he gave me, we bade him farewell as he headed for his studio. On our way home, Shina and I discussed what to do with the money, I suggested we shared it but he didn't buy the idea. He wanted us to look for more money so we could shoot a video of one of my songs, “Dude is so selfless”, I thought to myself. We went straight to my house and he decided it would be best if he slept over so we could discuss a lot of things before sleeping.

“Segun!” that was my dad calling out my name, I got out of bed, Shina still sleeping a new born, “Sir” I shouted as I replied. I opened the door and he was standing there as if he had come to arrest me, “Daddy ki lo sele (Daddy what is wrong)”, I jokingly asked; he wasn't in the mood to play, perhaps my sisters had offended him again and he was here to report them to me, “Who is Terri?”, he finally spoke out, I was surprised, he wasn't supposed to know about Terri, I had just started talking to her yesterday and I hadn't even seen her. “Daddy what are you talking about?” Yeah, I was supposed to ask ‘cause I didn't even know what to say. Was I supposed to tell him about a girl I barely knew? Was I supposed to tell him she called me yesterday that she loved my music? “You haven’t answered my question yet” he angrily responded. “Okay, I barely know this girl, I had played at a show the other day and she called me to tell me she loved my music, that’s all sir”... (TO BE CONTINUED)

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